ReqCoCo is 100% free and open source.
It aims to generate reports of requirements coverage for both source code and test code.
The source where the requirements are declared can either be
a simple text file,
a Microsoft Word file,
a Microsoft Excel file,
Github, etc ...
The source or test code can be of any text format (Example: java, xml, html, json, c, cpp, txt, properties, php, whatever ...)
The reports can be generated in different formats (html, pdf, xlsx, ...)
Custom report generators can be built by anyone via plugins.
Extract requirements declarations from many types of source (Text, Word, Excel, HTML, XML, Redmine, Github, etc...)
Generate coverage report in JSON
Generate coverage report in HTML
Generate coverage report in Excel (.xlsx) file
Generate coverage report onto a console (experimental)
Either use the runner (reqcoco-runner) or the Maven plugin in order to extract the requirements and build the reports in the desired formats.
View QuickStartYou can view or checkout the source code from the Github Repository.
You can download the releases from the Releases Repository.
If you need to file a bug or feature, you can do it from the Issues Page.
If you need support, you either post an issue, or enter the chat channel available in Gitter.
Feel free to contact us with any questions or feedback - we would really appreciate your input!
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